Sunday, July 06, 2008

Jabotinsky's famous quote

"The basis of the Betarian viewpoint consists of one idea: the Jewish state. In this simple idea however, lies a deep meaning indeed. What do the nations of the world symbolize? They symbolize that every nation must contribute its own share to the common culture of mankind, a share which is distinguished by its own specific spirit. the contribution should not and cannot consist merely of the ideas and good advice to other nations; it must serve as a living example of ideas and ideals, tangibly realized, expressed not only in books but in the collective life of the people as well. For this purpose, every nation must possess its own 'laboratory', a country where in the nation alone is master and can freely suit the common life in accordance with its own conception of good and evil. A people's own state is such a laboratory."

-Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Copyright: Pioneers of Israel, Phil Blazer and Shelley Portnoy, Blazer Communications, 2004.

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