Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ambrose and Pri(t)am

American writer Stephen Ambrose, a peculiar personality with no service experience managed to compose Citizen Soldiers, an awe inspiring work on US experience in World War II. He interviewed veterans lost in memory yet conjured a book which reads better than those written by US Veterans themselves. I fanstasized much of my young life being a member of the US Army. I finished Tom Clancy Guided Tour series. That boosted my military knowledge to a new level after I repeatedly read Jane's Defense Weekly at age 15.

Then today, when I possess Bertrand Stewart's classic "Active Service Pocket Book", I feel privileged to be among the few in this great nation. I am an elite. Once a Cub Scout and now a junior in US. Steinbeck! Du warst in mein Familie Bibliothek. Wo bleibst dich?

When I posted it on for $15,000, ireceived a curious reply. I even contemplated putting it on once owned reportedly by LAPD Chief Daryl Gates. Gates was the only personality I knew apart from Hollywood. And, the reply was that I was supposed to sell it for a million. Ha!Ha!

Then I thought," I could pay the Law School bill at USC Gould School and become the next Attorney General. Well Man Rana, my granddad did serve as an Attorney General during Sir Juddha Rana's times (WWII). And I would need a $350,000 house in San fernando as well as a convertible, another $60,000. Then, I would be in a position to...guess what?

Amerikaner Leben hatte gross Materialsmus sagte Europaischer Gemeinschaftfuehrer. Und ich bin gegibt Mordangst bei einige Menschen. Es gibt dass dies Welt wer ich bleibe ist nicht freundlich zu Auslandgeboren Amerikaner. Der Iraqkrieg und das Geschichte des dies gross Staat ist gewisst bei alles Auslandstudent und ich bin dass Superpatriot, ein Scherzchrakter fuer Liberalismuspolitik. Europa geht zu Konservatismus (sehe Engelland). Und, Amerika ist in Socialismus. Wer sind Adam Schmitt?

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