Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Review of an American classic

Tenessee Williams was one of the greatest southern playrights, according to wikipedia and Elements of Literature book published in New York, New York (refer Campion College, class of 1999). His Gothic style and mendacity in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' is something I can't really describe at this point of time. Glass menagerie of matriarch Laura is suffocating. It is according to wikipedia, Tennessee William's own story.

Breaking of glass is symbolic, twice seen in the movie. Amanda Wingfield (Katharine Hepburn)'s absolute control of her son Tom played by Sam Waterson is outrageous. Tom is a rebel but he loves his mom. He wants to be a writer (refer wikipedia) like myself.

Laura's (Joanne Miles) character is somewhat difficult to understand. She is reared as a Christian housewife. Amanda has been to college but Laura appears totally behind the northern avante garde movement. Jim (Michael Moriarty) and Tom want to stay ahead of the bunch. They want to take rhetoric classes even though Tom is forced to work in a garage.

I also want to see the other version with (if I am not wrong, Kiefer Sutherland ref. wikipedia). Music is demure, suited to the play.

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