Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blue Helmets: Nepal's need

-By Pritam S Rana

Since the past years, violence has continued unabated in Nepal. Several rounds of peace talks have failed to establish peace and tranquility. Locked in political debates concerning the constitution, representation, and appropriate political system, the stakeholders oof this continuing conflict have put the people of this country on a noose of death and destruction. therefore, it is high time that internationmal intervention be invited to settle this conflict once and for all. No international body apart from the United Nations (UN) can play a better role in the Nepali context.

The UN mediation between the government and the Maoists will be far desirable thans aay Indian mediation. Nepalis have goof reason to suspect India for having designs against them. But, the supranational UN has no vested interest in the internal affairs of this country, as most countries of the world are its members. Although it is accused by some that UN has become a tool of the West, close observation disputes the accusation. It is an incomprehensible matter why Nepali political leaders are refusing to invite UN mediation in a conflict, which they cannot resolve themselves. Can the Nepali people be forever held hostage to political wrangling of their leaders? Obviously not. New leaders should rise from among the masses and speak for a UN role in resolving the conflict, whichh ahs already claimed the lives of about 10,000 innocent Nepalis. Can Nepoal afford to be abnother Cambodia or Congo?

It is imperative that the violence in Nepal be mitigated. The government is unable to disarm the Maoist rebels. Instead of controlling violence, the unruly actions of the security forces have unleashed violence among people who are already being tormented by the rebels. The only visible solution to this cycle of violence is the deployment of UN peacekeeping force in Nepal. These forces can, by the virtue of their deployment, deter violence, being perpetrated by Maoist rebels and the government forces, against civilians. There are many advantages of of the deployment of UN peacekeepers. The UN peacekeeping force can provide multilateral support to the country. The peacekeepers can assist in confidence-building measures, power sharing arrangements, election, strengthening the rule of law and also in economic and social development. Many politicians in Nepal have said that election is impossible in the present circumstances as rebels hold sway over major parts of the rural areas. The UN peacekeeprs can oversee this problem. They can act as impartial observers.

The UN force in Nepal will not take sides in the ongoing conflict. Contrary to Maoist suspicion, they will not be targeted by the UN peacekeepers. But Maoists dare not challenge them. They can use force to protect themselves. Also, rules of engagement governing the use of force have been strengthened allowing UN peacekeepers to use "all necessary means" to protect civilians in their immediate vicinity. This means if UN force in Nepal is given this set of rules of engagement, it will deter Maoists from carrying out violent acts against civilians in close proximity of the UN peacekeepers. Nepal has participated in numerous peacekeeping missions throughout the world. But for obvious reasons, The Royasl Nepalese Army will not participate in UN peacekeeping mission in Nepal.

The Nepali government should realise that only concrete steps like inviting UN peacekeepers can really make the difference in Nepal. Placing too much faith in would-be facilitators and mediators from within Nepal will only make matters worse.

The nepali Prime Minister should first build consensus and then ask the UN Secretary General to contemplate a UN peacekeeping mission in Nepal. He can take the matter to the Security Council. The Prime Minster should also direct the foreign ministry to instruct Nepali ambassadors abroad to urge

Notes:- This article resulted in UN's Nepal mission the UNMIN. My application to UN was rehected by Kieran Dwywer and Matthew Kahane, the UN representative to Nepal. My application to go to study peacekeekping in UN school in Brindisi was only ansswered. i would want to request the US government, the principal sponsor and financier of UN to put pressure on such corrupt and negligent attitude by UN staff who have completely failed to prosecute Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda), Ram Bahadur Thapa (Badal) and Dr Baburam Bhattarai for crimes against humanity. This coterie has to tried in ICC Den Haag and be sentenced to life in prison. I invoke this declaration as grea great grandson of Col. Man Shumsher Rana, Attorney General of Nepal and a loyal citizen.

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